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CLI Usage


Assuming the Tutorial Dev Env is set as the default one. You can check if it is set as the default by running the dem info Tutorial command.

If the Tutorial Dev Env is not set as the default, you can set it by running the following command: dem set-default Tutorial.

If you don't want to set the Tutorial Dev Env as the default, you must use the run command like this: dem run Tutorial <task>.

Building the software

To build the software, run the following command from the root directory of your project:

dem run build

This command is a Dev Env specific alias for docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/work axemsolutions/make_gnu-arm:13.2 make:

  • --rm: Removes the container right after the build is finished.
  • -v "$(pwd)":/work: Mounts the root directory of your project to /work in the container.
  • axemsolutions/make_gnu-arm:13.2: The tool image to run in the container.
  • make: The command to execute in the container.

Running the tests

To run the tests, use this command:

dem run test

This command is a Dev Env specific alias for docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/work axemsolutions/cpputest /bin/sh -c "cd app/test; make":

  • --rm: Removes the container right after the test cases have run.
  • -v "$(pwd)":/work: Mounts the root directory of your project to /work in the container.
  • axemsolutions/cpputest: The tool image to run in the container.
  • /bin/sh -c "cd app/test; make": The command to execute in the container.

Deploying to target

First connect the Nucleo board to your PC, then run the following command:

dem run deploy

This command is a Dev Env specific alias for docker run --privileged --rm -v "$(pwd)":/work axemsolutions/stlink-org:1.8.0 /bin/sh -c "cd build; st-flash write tutorial.bin 0x8000000":

  • --privileged: Give access to the USB devices.
  • --rm: Removes the container after writing to the flash.
  • -v "$(pwd)":/work: Mounts the root directory of you project to /work in the container.
  • axemsolutions/stlink-org: The tool image to run in the container.
  • /bin/sh -c "cd build; st-flash write tutorial.bin 0x8000000": The command to execute in the container.


GDB is based on a client-server architecture. The client is in the axemsolutions/make_gnu-arm image, and the server is in the axemsolutions/stlink_org image. Therefore, you need both containers running.

Since you have two separate containers, you need a way to let them communicate with each other. Normally, the GDB client and server communicate over TCP/IP, so you need to create a network for them.

To create a bridged network called gdb-net, run the following command:

docker network create gdb-net

In the next step, you need to start the GDB server with access to this gdb-net.


The Nucleo board must be connected before starting the GDB server.

Run this command:

dem run gdb-server

This command is a Dev Env specific alias for docker run -it --privileged --rm --network=gdb-net axemsolutions/stlink-org:1.8.0:

  • -it: Starts an interactive shell, which is useful to see what's going on in the container.
  • --privileged: Give access to the USB devices.
  • --rm: We can remove the container after the debug session.
  • --network=gdb-net: Connect to the gdb-net network.
  • axemsolutions/stlink-org: The tool image to run in the container.

Open another terminal and run the GDB client.

dem run gdb-client

This command is a Dev Env specific alias for docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/work --network=gdb-net axemsolutions/make_gnu-arm:13.2:

  • -it: With an interactive shell. We would like to use the GDB as a CLI application from this terminal.
  • --rm: We can remove the container after the debug session.
  • -v "$(pwd)":/work: Mount the root directory of you project to /work in the container.
  • --network=gdb-net: Connect to the gdb-net network.
  • axemsolutions/make_gnu-arm: The tool image to run in the container.

Now get back to the GDB server's terminal and get its IP address.

hostname -I

Start the server provided by stlink-org. If the command is successful, it will print Listening at *:{port} - note this port number.


For the GDB client, follow these steps:

  1. Start the GDB client with the elf file as the parameter.

    arm-none-eabi-gdb build/tutorial.elf
  2. You should see GDB's own shell.

  3. Connect to the server by providing its IP address and the noted port number for the GDB client.

    target remote {server ip:port}
    (for example: target remote
  4. Load the binary to the NUCLEO.

  5. Now you should be able to debug.