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Development Environment Installation


DEM can install preconfigured Development Environments from online catalogs. List the available catalogs:

dem list-cat


You can add or delete catalogs with the dem add-cat and dem del-cat commands.

After a clean installation, you have the axem catalog enabled by default. You can list the available Development Environments in all available catalogs:

dem list --cat

For this tutorial, we are going to use the Tutorial Development Environment. You can get more information about it by the following command:

dem info --cat Tutorial

Clone the Tutorial Development Environment's decriptor to your local machine:

dem clone Tutorial

Now, you would be able to edit the descriptor with the modify command, but for now, we are going to install the Development Environment as is. Install the Tutorial Development Environment:

dem install Tutorial

The DEM will pull the images we saw after the dem info Tutorial command:

  • axemsolutions/make_gnu_arm:latest: contains the make and gnu-arm-none-eabi tools
  • axemsolutions/stlink_org:latest: contains the stlink-org tool
  • axemsolutions/cpputest:latest: contains the CppUTest tool


The images get pulled from the available registries. List these registries with the dem list-reg command. Use the dem add-reg and dem del-reg commands to add and delete registries.

If you issue the dem info Tutorial command again, you will see that the required images are now available locally. Running dem list lists the local Development Environments, so you should see the Tutorial Development Environment.

Finally, to avoid typing the Dev Env name later on, you can set the Tutorial as the default one:

dem set-default Tutorial

Now you are ready to make embedded software!


At this point, you can use the tools as containerized CLI applications.

If you want to learn about how to create a new Development Environment from the containerized tools of your choice, check out the chapter Learn more: how to create a new Development Environment.